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25.07.2011 - Zespół gotowy do pracy
    Aktualnie przeglądasz: Aktualności / Monuments

Rozporządzenie porządkowe Wojewody Podkarpackiego

Rozporządzenie porządkowe Wojewody Podkarpackiego nr 10/14 z dnia 12 grudnia w sprawie ograniczenia używania wyrobów pirotechnicznych na terenie województwa podkarpackiego.

 Treść rozporządzenia:

images/10-14 ogranieczenia pirotechniki.pdf


There are several interesting historical monuments in Dębica. The most valuable is the Saint Jadwiga Church from the 16th century. Its distinctive tower is recognized by all residents. The church, rebuilt in 19th. century, lost some of its gothic charm.

Another important architectural monument is the 19th century manor house at Wolica. In the past it belonged to the Raczyński family, the Christianis and the Płocki family.
The synagogue dating back to the 18th century belongs to Confederation of Cracow
Jewish Communities. Inside the historical building no traces of its original usage were left. Today the synagogue serves as a department store.
A period cemetery chapel of the Raczyński family, who rendered great service to our country, can be found at the parish cemetery. The neo-Gothic building was erected around 1880.
Among the most interesting places and buildings from the past are: the Town Square with
several historic tenements from 19th century; villa “Wiluszówka”, a house of a prewar public notary; an edifice of historic Gym Society “Sokół”, an office of the Community Center “Śnieżka”; and a school building at Słowacki Street, dating back to the beginning of 20th century - today’s King Wladyslaw Jagiello’s Number I Lyceum in Dębica.

Saint Jadwiga Church in Debica


(C) 1990-2010 Urząd Miejski w Dębicy - Wszelkie prawa autorskie zastrzeżone - kontakt do obsługi technicznej