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15.12.2009 - Nowy przepust zapobiegnie podtopieniom
    Aktualnie przeglądasz: Aktualności / For Investors

Harcerze przekazali burmistrzowi Światło Pokoju

19 grudnia dębiccy harcerze przekazali na ręce burmistrza Dębicy Mariusza Szewczyka oraz jego zastępcy Jarosława Śliwy Beltejemskie Światło Pokoju.

W tym roku Betlejemskie Światło Pokoju dotarło do Polski 15 grudnia i przekazywane będzie do 24 grudnia przez harcerzy do poszczególnych województw.
Dębickim harcerzom Światło Pokoju przekazane zostało 17 grudnia z Rzeszowa. Dzień później harcerze zaczęli odwiedzać dębickie urzędy, instytucje i szkoły przekazując dalej Światło. Jednym z pierwszych odwiedzonych miejsc był Urząd Miejski w Dębicy gdzie Światło Pokoju zostało przekazane burmistrzowi Mariuszowi Szewczykowi i jego zastępcy Jarosławowi Śliwie przez dębickich harcerzy.

„Idea Betlejemskiego Światła Pokoju, która zagościła w Polsce na początku lat ‘90  i od tego czasu jest w naszym kraju pielęgnowana  sprawia,  że zastanawiamy się nad takimi wartościami jak godność, prawda i tolerancja i stajemy się bardziej wrażliwi na problemy innych ludzi” – mówi burmistrz Mariusz Szewczyk. 

Betlejemskie Światło Pokoju zorganizowano po raz pierwszy w 1986 roku w Linz, w Austrii, jako część wielkich bożonarodzeniowych działań charytatywnych na rzecz dzieci niepełnosprawnych oraz osób potrzebujących. Akcja nosiła nazwę „Światło w ciemności” i była propagowana przez radio i telewizję. Rok później patronat nad akcją objęli skauci austriaccy, którzy roznosili oni ogień z Betlejem do różnych instytucji – szpitali, sierocińców, urzędów, aby w czasie Bożego Narodzenia stał się on żywym symbolem pokoju, braterstwa, nadziei i miłości.
Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego uczestniczy w przekazywaniu Betlejemskiego Światła od 1991 r. Przekazanie Światła odbywa się naprzemiennie raz w Polsce, raz na Słowacji. W pierwszej kolejności trafia do Krakowa i Częstochowy, a skąd rozprzestrzenia się po całej Polsce.

"Przychodząc z Betlejemskim Światłem Pokoju, jak co roku chcemy przekazać, w raz z życzeniami, przesłanie. W tym roku są to słowa "Pokój jest w nas". I tego pokoju życzymy władzom samorządowym miasta u progu nowej kadencji oraz wszystkim mieszkańcom Dębicy - zawsze znajdujmy w sobie pokłady dobra i dzielmy się nim” - mówi Mateusz Cebula komendant  Hufca ZHP Dębica, zastępca komendanta chorągwi podkarpackiej ZHP.

Z Polski Światło harcerze przekazują dalej na wschód: do Rosji, Litwy, Ukrainy i Białorusi, na zachód do Niemiec, a także na północ do Danii.


For Investors

Dębica offers rich technical infrastructure, social and educational facilities. There are many companies operataing in this region, providing services in consulting, finanse, design, insurance and legal advice. Prospective investors can count on spare and prepared for investments areas, that are available for industry, services and trade.

Investment in our town means low labour, commodities and services cost, as well as competitive prices of investment goods. Investors creating opportunities for employment can count on professional help from town council and other institutions supporting economic initiatives.

Since establishment of Central Industrial Zone in the 30-ties in the XX century, Debica still remains its industrial characteristic. There are few thousand production, service and trade companies in the town, which represent high level of technology. Well-educated workforce is an additional advantage.

Debica is open for visitors, investment and new cooperation plans, especially with regard to seeking new trade contacts and business partners.

In 2007 more than 10 companies joined partnership agreement to support local job market. All local administration offices, institutions supporting local job market with District Employment Agency and non-governmental organizations like Local Business Club, Business Initiative Association, Trade and Business Initiative Craft took part in this undertaking. This partnership agreement resulted in gaining grants of more than 2 mln zloty for supporting entrepreneurs in attracting professional employees.

Among the citizens of Debica, people round 20 or 49 years old represent the biggest share.
In 2006, it was 8750 people, that is 18,67% of all residents. Next position in the statistics is taken by people between 40 and 49 years old, that is 15,28%. Then we have people between 50 and 59 – 14,4%, and residents between 30 and 39 years old – 12,47%.

The biggest number of people is employed in industry and building sector, almost 48%. Then we have 28,7% of people working in public service sector, and 23% employed in private service sector. There are 0,2% of people working in agriculture.

Investors can count on minimum of administrative fromality – that is „quick route” of investors’
service. What is more, each enquiry will be followed by quick and matched to every need offer, prepared by Town Council Office for Cooperation with Entrepreneur, responsible for companies and investors service.

Investors, who create new working places, can take the benefit of tax cuts, for example when it comes to land taxes and can gain additional advantages, what depends on number of new job places. Moreover, Town Council in Debica, to promote investment in the town connected with production, services and new working places creation, adopted resolution to temporarily relieve employers from
real estate taxes, when they are used for busines needs.

Debica means lower cost of running a business and lower expenses connected with services in comaprison with bigger cities.

Our advantages:                                                                  
• lower salaries
• lower taxes
• lower real estate and building prices
• lower flat and houses rent and purchase
• lower prices of hotel and board
• lower prices of office and production halls rent
• well-developed infrastructure
• convenient localization
• tourist and recreation attractions
• excellent sport base

Companies, which decide to invest in Debica Industrial Zone can count on grants for training staff, additional grants for hiring unemployed people and temporary relieve from paying real estate taxes,
what was decided with special town Council resolution. Attractiveness and usefulness of investing in Debica Industrial Zone is based on:
• spare land with infrastructure convenient
for industrial use
• young and qualified staff
• technical and personnel facilities in already existing and
operating companies
• availability of public help, also called regional support

Dębica is very a attractive place for investment, due to developing Dębica Industrial Zone was established, which is a part of Mielecka Special Economic Zone. At present, 24,7 ha of land is in industrial zone, which is taken by tyre company Dębica S.A. The company NordPol plans to use next 0,7 ha for investment. There is possibility of setting up industrial zones in other locations.
Credibility of Debica, as perfect place for investment, was proved by getting Fair Play District title in 2004, 2005, 2006 and in 2007 – Certified Investment Localization, awarded by National Chamber of Economy.

Each investor setting up business within special industrial zone is allowed to use public support, according to resolution decided by Industry Development Agency S.A. in Warsaw.
• the maximum amount of public help, that can be obtained by investor is 50% of investment necessary to realize the project
• in case of small and medium-sized investor, this amount can be increased by 15%. It gives possibility
of getting 65% of expenditure Public support given to entrepreneurs as tax cuts is form of
regional help and is granted to cover the costs of new investment or opening new working places. Expenses qualified to be covered from public funds must be incurred within the area of industrial zone and during licence validity, and can be spent on:
• obtaining land or right to use the land on hereditary tenure
• buying or using fixed assets
• extension or modernisation of existing fixed assets
• obtaining intangible assets, connected with technology transfer by purchasing patents, licences, know-how or technological knowledge not protected by patent law; in case of investors, other than small and medium-sized, the cost of the investment can be increased by 50% at the maximum.

Everyone who plans to run stable enterprise can use public support. The amount of tax cuts available for creating new working places is equivalent of 50% of 2-year cost of employment of new staff, in case of small and medium-sized companies – 70% and 60% accordingly.

One of the conditions to use public support is connected with running the company and keeping
fixed assets for at least 5 years – in case of big companies, or 3 years – in case of small and medium sized companies.

Since November 2007, on the area of 24,7 ha, which is a part of Special Economic Zone, belonging to tyre company Dębica S.A., high value added tyre production will be started. Expenses for this investment until 2010 will reach 117 mln, and there will be 200 new working places created.

NordPol, producing air conditioning facilities for flats and industrial spaces, from 2008 to 2012, on the area of 0,7 ha in the economic zone, plans to invest 5 mln euro and Debica will gain 110 new working places.


(C) 1990-2010 Urząd Miejski w Dębicy - Wszelkie prawa autorskie zastrzeżone - kontakt do obsługi technicznej