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16.12.2010 - Impresje z Sandomierskiej
    Aktualnie przeglądasz: Aktualności / The Europe of Towns

Rozporządzenie porządkowe Wojewody Podkarpackiego

Rozporządzenie porządkowe Wojewody Podkarpackiego nr 10/14 z dnia 12 grudnia w sprawie ograniczenia używania wyrobów pirotechnicznych na terenie województwa podkarpackiego.

 Treść rozporządzenia:

images/10-14 ogranieczenia pirotechniki.pdf


The Europe of Towns

Dębica is the initiator of international cooperation of towns from all countries of European Union. At present following towns are involved in this cooperation: Puurs from Belgium, Kapuvar from Hungary, Obzor and Svishtov from Bulgaria, Carei from Romania, Salo from Finland, Muro on Majorca and Dunaujvaros from Hungary. The idea of the wide cooperation is also concerned with economy.

The town's authorities introduced the project "Europe of Towns" to their representatives in European Parliament

Ties between the towns interested in cooperation within „Europe of the Towns” programme is still thightened, and Debica was initiator of this project. It is based on the idea of direct cooperation with towns from European Union, at least one from each member country. Within this programme residents can use cheap tourist offers, get to know the culture of member countries, establish industrial and ecomonic links, present their companies in other countries.

I Convention of the Europe of Towns in Dębica

(C) 1990-2010 Urząd Miejski w Dębicy - Wszelkie prawa autorskie zastrzeżone - kontakt do obsługi technicznej